Sudanese Huminitarian Network

About Us


From the Start

The Sudanese Network for Humanitarian Action is a gathering of civil society organizations working in human rights, humanitarian and development fields, in addition to those that seek to preserve culture and encourage dramatic creativity and the arts within the framework of enriching the Sudanese people. The network seeks to link organizations working in various fields and coordinate their efforts with the aim of creating a network of professional, cooperative and complementary relationships that ensure effective communication between international and local civil society organizations in order to serve the Sudanese people. It also seeks to activate and support these organizations through training and providing funding to reach their maximum potential.

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Our Mission

We are working directly with victims, their families, lawyers, human rights defenders and other civil society actors, supporting them to claim their universally recognised rights and freedoms, adopting a holistic approach. At the individual level, we document cases of human rights violations, provide legal assistance to victims, primarily through the use of international law mechanisms, and raise awareness of their suffering with relevant stakeholders. At the structural level, we conduct in-depth research to assess the root causes of human rights violations. On this basis, we advocate for legal and policy reform and raise awareness and understanding in line with international standards. We strive to strike a balance between providing capabilities and protection to the organizations comprising the network and the effective and sustainable implementation of our missions.

Our Vision

That individuals throughout Sudan live in societies governed by justice and peace, based on the rule of law, with effective recognition and respect for special rights related to decent living and freedom of choice. In light of the current war, we see the need for humanitarian aid to reach the Sudanese people throughout Sudan as an absolute necessity that requires the concerted efforts and high coordination between humanitarian organizations and civil society organizations to ensure the fair distribution of humanitarian relief. We also see the need to contribute in all ways to achieving urgent peace.

our Values

Non-discrimination and equality:
We believe in the universality of human rights, which means that all human beings have the same rights on an equal footing. As such, We defend all victims of human rights violations without discrimination of any kind. This principle also applies internally. We do not discriminate between workers or beneficiaries of the network or the organizations affiliated with the network and pay close attention to diversity and differentiation A framework of equality and concern for Sudanese issues.

Independence and neutrality:
We develop our strategy and work plan based on a comprehensive and independent assessment of where our work can achieve the greatest added value. We conduct our work in a neutral and impartial manner, that is, without any external direction, whether political or ideological. In practice, this means that our decision to represent an individual does not mean support for his or her beliefs or values, but rather means Rooted in the concept that everyone is entitled to the same fundamental rights and freedoms. To maintain our independence.

Integrity and Transparency:
We hold ourselves to high ethical standards, which entails a commitment to transparency, integrity and honesty. It also means that we respect privacy and act on the informed consent of victims and their families, and strive to gain their trust and cooperation in our work and believe in the principle of accountability and responsibility towards our partners, supporters and beneficiaries of our activity.

Professionalism, dedication and accountability:
We strive for excellence and maintain high standards of quality when conducting our work. We do this by ensuring that we rely on credible and reliable sources, and we are committed to providing the highest level of assistance to victims of human rights violations. Even if the nature of our work often requires us to work urgently and under short deadlines, we ensure that all outputs are carefully reviewed, encourage innovation, and develop new processes to ensure maximum impact. We work with passion and dedication, and are strongly committed to the principle of accountability by making our vision a reality. Empathy and Respect We believe that empathy is the key to trust and respect, and requires good communication and understanding. We treat victims and their families with respect for their dignity and cultural sensitivity. Internally, we show kindness and due respect for each other’s well-being and needs, and communicate respectfully. We acknowledge and welcome different perspectives and constructive criticism from staff and beneficiaries of the network, and work with each other without prejudice.


The Savannah and Sahara Organization for Relief and Development is one of the institutions working in the humanitarian field at the level of Sudan and the region. It is an independent charitable organization with multiple activities that provides its humanitarian services to those in need in Sudan and neighboring countries without discrimination or fanaticism, far from interference in politics or existing conflicts.

This organization was established during the current year 2024 when a number of members of the Savannah and Sahara Entity called for the necessity of collecting funds to spend them to resist the trinity of danger (war, poverty and disease) and to confront the growing needs of local communities in war zones, after the rise in rates of disease, poverty and unemployment in the majority of Sudan's states.

In appreciation of the citizen's need, and based on the humanitarian orientations of the Savannah and Sahara Entity, the entity officially approved its establishment, provided that the organization would have a legal personality, headquartered in the Sudan, South Darfur state Nyala City, and that it may establish branches outside the Sudan, and carry out its activities in accordance with the provisions of its statute.

To be the leading organization in the field of relief, preventing the effects of war disasters, and fighting poverty through development

Message: The Savannah and Sahara Organization for Relief and Development is a pioneering non-profit humanitarian organization that aims to employ donor donations to provide relief to the poor and needy, improve the conditions of refugees, and fight poverty and deprivation through establishing appropriate development projects for them.

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